Clinical trial evaluation

It is a test or study conducted on humans to confirm the clinical effectiveness of the skin related products and to investigate adverse events for the purpose of proving the safety and effectiveness of cosmetics.The clinical tests are conducted in accordance with guidelines and relevant regulations based on the Helsinki Declaration-based ethical regulations, and are conducted after obtaining approval from the Institutional Review Board(IRB), which is established independently within the institution.

Clinical test
  • Primary Irritation Test
  • Cumulative Irritation Test
  • Repeat Insult Patch and Senitization Test
  • Skin Sting Test
  • Sting Test
Functional Cosmetics for KFDA
  • Skin Wrinkle Test
  • Lightening Effect on Induced Tanned Skin
  • Lightening Effect on Hyperpigmentation
  • Hair Loss Test
  • Dandruff and Itching Test
  • Acne Test
  • Striae Distensae
  • Hair-dye Test
  • Body Hair Removal Test
  • Skin Barrier and Itching Test
Skin Physiology
  • Short/Long Lasting Hydration
  • Skin Elasticity / Dermal Density
  • Sagging(Lifting)
  • Skin Sebum
  • Skin Pore
  • Skin Roughness
  • Skin Volume
  • Skin Gloss and Transparency
  • Skin Color / Lightness
  • Skin Tone
  • Skin Brightness / Gloss
  • Skin Wrinkle
  • Blood Circulation / Skin Temperature
  • Skin Barrier Enhancement Effect
  • Osmidrosis Axillae and Hyperhidrosis Improvement
  • Non-comedogenic Test
  • Hot Flush / Puffiness Reducing Effect
  • Dark Circle
  • Skin Defense of Skin Damage induced by Chemical
  • Skin Recovery of Skin Damage induced by Chemical
  • Skin Recovery of Skin Damage induced by Tape Stripping
  • Cleansing Effect
  • Body Cellulite
  • Lip Roughness, Hydration, Volume and Color
  • Body Slimming
  • Antibacterial Effect
Usability Test
  • Home/Controlled usage
  • Usage Test related with around Eyes
  • Stinger Panel Test
  • Satisfaction Test
  • Usage Test of Sanitary Pad
  • Spreadability / Lasting
  • Adhesion / Color
  • Coverage
  • Gloss / Brightness
  • Water-, Oil-, Sweat-proof
  • Eyelashes Volume, Length
  • Mascare Water-, Oil-, Sweat-, Smudging-proof
  • Mascara Long Lash and Curling
  • Big Eye Effect
Hair & Scalp
  • Visual Assessment
  • Total Hair Counts
  • Hair Diameter
  • Hair Growth Rate
  • Anagen / Telogen Hair
  • Terminal / Vellus Hair
  • New / Loss Hair
  • Hair Loss after Shampooing
  • Tensile / Elongation Rate
  • Combing Force
  • Elastic / Flexural Force
  • Frictional Force / Roughness
  • Hair Cuticle Layer Condition (by SEM)
  • Hair Alignment
  • Hair Volumizing
  • Hair Orientation and Anti-frizz)
  • Hair Gloss
  • Retentivity of Hair Color
  • Retentivity and Formability of Hair Wave
  • Hair Electrostatics
  • Hair Coverage and Water-proof
  • Hair Wettability
  • Hair Strand Volumazing
  • Scalp Scale
  • Scalp Sebum
  • Scalp Hydration
  • Scalp Pores Cleanliness
  • Scalp pH
  • Scalp Lesion(Popular, Erythema, etc.)
Functional Food for KFDA
  • Skin Wrinkle Test
  • Skin Whitening Test
  • Skin Moisturizing Test
  • Maintaining the Skin Health from UV Induced Damage
  • Body Fat Reduction Test
  • Blood Sugar Control Test
  • Blood Pressure Control Test
  • Blood Cholesterol Control Test
  • Menopause in Female Test
  • Climacterium in Male Test
  • Blood Pressure Control Test
  • Cognitive Improvement Test
  • Memory Improvement Test
  • High Blood Sugar Reduction Test
  • Sleep Test
  • Urinary Function Improvement Test
  • Liver Health Test
  • Eye Health Test
  • Tooth Health Test
  • Urinary Tract Health Teat
  • Prostate Health Test
  • Premenstrual Uncomfortable Condition Improvement
  • Stomach Health / Digestion Function Test
  • Immunity Function Test
  • Fatigue Test
  • Other Health Functional Foods Test
Latest evaluation
  • Halitosis and Oral Bacterium Test
  • Plaque and Coated Tongue Test
  • Whitening effect on teeth Test
  • Finedust Cleansing
  • Stress Test (Cortisol Hormone Level)
  • Senior Body Odor Test
  • Long-lasting of Scent Test
Medical Device Usability Test
  • In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
  • Medical Device
  • Medical Product
  • Software
  • Convergence Medical Devices
  • Digital Therapeutics
In vitro evaluation

Human Skin cell

  • Cytotoxicity evaluation
  • Inhibition assay of tyrosinase activity
  • Inhibition of oxidative activity assay - DOPA
  • Inhibition assay of cellular melanin production
  • ex vivo Inhibition assay of melanin synthesis in ex vivo human skin explant model
  • Cytotoxicity evaluation
  • Measurement of collagen synthesis in skin fibroblasts
  • Collagenase (MMP-1) activity assay
  • Gelatinase (MMP-2, 9) activity assay
  • Elastase (MMP-12) activity assay
  • Cytotoxicity evaluation
Skin Barrier/Moisturizing
  • Cytotoxicity evaluation
  • Dermal fibroblast proliferation assay
  • Skin barrier component expression test (Filaggrin, Loricrin, Involucrin etc.)
  • Skin moisturizing factor - Hyaluronic acid
  • Moisturizing factor evaluation in ex vivo human skin explant model
  • Cytotoxicity evaluation
  • Inhibition test of Nitric Oxide production
  • PGE2 inhibition test
  • Cytokines expression (TNF-¥á, IL-1¥â, IL-6 etc.)
  • Evaluation of inflammation control in ex vivo human skin explant model
  • Efficacy evaluation of harmful reactive oxygen species scavenging activity
  • DPPH free radical scavenging activity
  • ABTS radical scavenging activity
  • Measurement of total phenol content level
  • Measurement of flavonoid content
  • Human Dermal papilla cell culture and evaluation of hair growth related factor expression
  • Human Outer root sheath cell culture and evaluation of hair growth related factor expression
Skin Absorption / Penetration
  • Transdermal absorption test
In vivo evaluation

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  • Imiquimod induction
  • Visual Assessment
  • Psoriasis area and severity index (PASI)
  • H&E, MT and Immunohistochemistry staining
  • Cytokines inhibition
Atopic dermatitis
  • DNCB induction
  • Dermatitis scoring
  • Spleen weight measurement
  • Scratching behavior analysis
  • H&E, MT and Immunohistochemistry staining
  • Inhibition of Cytokines production
  • Mouse Hair growth induction model
  • Follicle number analysis
  • Hair cycle analysis
  • Skin thickness analysis
  • Hair growth factor expression analysis
  • UV or Calcitriol induction
  • H&E and MT staining
  • Cytokine production and protein expression analysis
  • Replica analysis
  • Evaluation of skin elasticity, moisture, thickness, etc.
Lifting Thread
  • Visual Assessment
  • Remaining thread measurement
  • Evaluation of skin elasticity, moisture, etc.
  • H&E, MT staining etc.
Surgical Suture
  • Visual Assessment
  • Suturing test
  • Cytokine or protein production
  • H&E, MT staining etc.
Wound Dressing products
  • Biopsy punch wound induct
  • photo
  • Wound healing ability evaluation
  • H&E staining etc.
Medical Device (HIFU & Laser Medical)
  • Performance evaluation (solidification point focal length, spacing, size, etc.)
  • Safety assessment (Skin temperature evaluation, specialist visual evaluation, photo evaluation, hematological evaluation)
  • Histological evaluation (H&E, MT, Victoria blue, NBTC, Oil red O staining etc.)
  • FDA approval and FDA application
Ex vivo evaluation

Human Skin Tissue Culture Experimen

  • UV-induced photoaging model
  • Sun protection model
  • Aging related factor expression in human skin
  • Collagen, Elastic fiber change in dermis
  • Psoriasis induction model
Atopic dermatitis
  • Atopic dermatitis induction model
  • Inhibition of inflammatory cytokine evaluation
Neurogenic inflammatory and Pain
  • Itching related factor expression
  • Skin sensor(pain) induction model
  • Acne model
  • Sabaceous gland model
  • Pore tightening model
Wound healing
  • Wound induced skin regeneration Æò°¡
  • Hypertrophic scar ºÐ¼®
  • Hair growth in scalp tissue
  • Human scalp derived hair follicle growth
  • Analysis of hair root diameter in hair follicles
  • Analysis of hair follicle cycle
  • Analysis of follicle growth factor expression
  • Glycation induction model
  • Histological analysis (H&E, MT staining )
  • AGEs product measurement
  • Filler injection model
  • Collagen synthesis evalution
  • Skin regeneration test
  • Histological analysis (H&E, MT staining )
  • Fat loss model
  • Cellulite model
  • Adipogenesis model
  • Adipocyte size and number analysis
Skin penetration
  • Skin penetration experiment through Franz diffusion cell system
  • Skin penetration model(topical application, medical device etc.)
Skin barrier
  • Skin barrier
  • Junction analysis
  • Difference study in Fitz Patrick types
  • Correlation between skin aging and subcutaneous fat
  • Lipidomics in skin barrier model
  • Microbiome study